
Showing posts from October, 2017

WSQ Quilt Show: The Ups and Downs

This past weekend was the annual Washington State Quilters' Quilt Show which I not only entered four quilts in but also worked in the Inland Northwest MQG booth at the show selling raffle tickets, which you can still buy, hint hint.   Needless to say it was a busy weekend.  I didn't win any ribbons this year but Patti Baymiller ( @mizzoupatti ) used a modified version of my Urban Trek pattern for her Hoffman Fabric Challenge entry which was such an unbelievable sight!  Patti had let me know she was using the Urban Trek pattern but it was a total surprise when she let me know it would be in Spokane, too cool. Patti Baymiller, Urban Mystery, Hoffman Fabrics Challenge 2017 (Pattern by Heather Black) I just love how she used the challenge fabrics and her quilting is so creative for an overall beautiful quilt! As for my quilts... I wasn't sure which were going to be available for the show this year so I submitted four that I knew wouldn't be going anywh...