
Showing posts from October, 2016

WSQ Show Outcome

Beyond all belief I received not one but two ribbons at the Washington State Quilters show this weekend!  I had a total of six quilts in the show you can see them here . Mountain Scene - Featured Quilters Award/Choice Beananers aka: Anna Banana - Third Place Modern Category Here's a closer look at the ribbons: I know that I've said it before, here , but just because a quilt doesn't do well at a show or doesn't even get in don't give up on it.  Remember last month Mountain Scene was folded in half and hung shamefully in the rafters with a red ribbon screaming "B grade work" on it and this month it was chosen from all the quilts in the show to receive the Featured Quilter's Award, by Robin Waggone r.  So don't give up on those quilts near and dear to you that you are sharing at shows.  I'd also like to brag about our local Modern Quilt Guild, INMod .  T wo other member Wendy and Jeannine won ribbons for quilting and Wendy w...

My First Pattern

For a couple months now I've been working on a quilt pattern and it is finally finished! I designed this for the MQG Quilt of the Month 2017 but was not selected, which is a bonus for everyone because now I can offer it for sale in my Etsy shop .  Those rejection emails can be hard to take but I've found after the first initial blow it's not hard to move on or, in this case, turn it into a positive. Quarter Hours Quilt I really fell in love with this quilt.  I started off with the idea clocks missing 15 minutes and continued the clock theme into my quilting.  I used the negative space to create gems, sapphires are commonly used in clock works and then quilted the clock blocks with different size clock hands.  I almost quilted the background in a diagonal line but in the end choose vertical giving it that 19th century parlor room feel, perfect for the overall feel of this quilt.  This quilt is about details and I changed it up by adding color t...