Make the Rounds Quilt in APQ

I'm so excited that I can finally share a quilt I made almost 6 months ago, my Make the Round s quilt currently available as a pattern in the current issue of American Patchwork & Quilting ! Make the Rounds features Geo Pop by Christa Watson . Christa is also offering quilt kits in her shop. Make the Rounds Quilt (Used with permission from American Patchwork & QuiltingĀ® magazine. Ā©2019 Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.) When I started designing this quilt I wanted to showcase the Geo Pop prints and make a design that had movement. The original name of the quilt was Windmills and that is what I used to pick a quilting design. I used a slightly different arc than a true quarter circle so that they wouldn't line up at the seams and your eye would have to stop and find the new arc, creating movement. Make the Rounds - quilting detail Similar to my Scandinavian Pathway quilt, Make the Rounds has a subtle secondary design. ...