Finally Here!

It's been a busy week, getting back to school after Christmas break and the official release of Daisy and my book, Quilt Modern Curves & Bold Stripes!  Along with signed copies available in my shop, unsigned copies are now available at and other book and fabric stores.

Quilt Modern Curves & Bold Stripes by Heather Black and Daisy Aschehoug

With the release of the book I wanted to share, in more detail, about the different designs I have in the book.  The first up is Festoons.  I briefly shared this quilt when it was accepted into QuiltCon 2020.

Festoons Quilt

Just as the name suggests this quilt is inspired by sashing, party decor and festoons.  I used a neutral background with bright festoons to create a fun party atmosphere in the design.  The center of the festoons are improv pieced giving the design movement and a carefree feeling.

Festoons Quilt

Since festoons isn't the most modern of words I chose a quilting motif that reminded me of Edwardian wall paper, vertical lines.  Whether that is true or not I don't entire know, but when I see the quilting it reminds me of an old sitting room or parlor with slender-legged furniture and doilies.

Festoons Quilt
I really like like this design and it's a great intro to the double quarter circle block.  Since the centers are all improved pieced there's not need to worry about matching stripes or fussy cutting and the larger curves are easy to piece if you are unsure about curves.  I'm also excited to share that Homespun Magazine is planning on featuring Festoons in their April magazine publication!

Festoons Alternative Quilt

Just with all the designs in the book there is a printed stripe version if you are looking to save some time.  For the printed stripe version a chose a print that looked like a trip to mimic the improve piecing.  This alternative version is very similar to the original but I can see this quilt in dainty floral prints with ticking as a striped accent.

Book Review

I've lined up a series of book reviews if you are interested in learning more about the book.  My friend, Christa Watson, recently did a review on her blog so I hope you'll get a chance to check it out.

"Just as Abraham 'believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.' Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, 'In you all the nations shall be blessed.' So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham." Galatians 3:6-9


  1. Your designs are alway so distinctive, Heather! I love everything about them - the graphicness, angularities, curves, colors, and minimalistic style. "Festoons" is especially great! I'm looking forward to seeing it in person at QC. Keep up the great work. I hope you sell oodles of books!

    1. Thanks Linda! Hopefully we run into each other again. I have a bit more going on this time so I won't be wandering the floor as much but I'll keep and eye out for you.

  2. When you first introduced your book, I was smitten and pre-ordered a copy! I now have it in my hot little hands and love it!!! I really need to do a book review on my blog for it...unsolicited even!!

    1. Oh my goodness that would be so great! email me when you post it,, and I'll mention your blog in my next post. So cool thank you!!

  3. Congratulations again! I love the Festoons quilt. And your book is absolutely terrific!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I'm really happy that both Daisy and I were so fortunate to each get quilts from the book into QuiltCon. I can't wait to see her Lys quilt in person. It's funny to think that I haven't seen half the quilts in the book in person.

  4. Congrats!!! I’m off to order my copy right now. Your work is some of the most inspiring to me. Thanks for all you do!!

    1. Thank you so much that is so neat too hear. I hope you continue to find inspiration in the book as well.


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